Easy and delicious. Homemade tortilla. How I imagine Mexico, full of flavours, colours and surprises...
For around 8 tortillas
250 g flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
30 ml olive oil
125 ml warm water
Meat preparation
2 avocado
1/4 chopped red onion
1 lime juice
½ teaspoon chilli powder
salt and pepper
2 chopped tomatoes
chopped coriander
100 g grated cheese
Meat preparation
Chop the onion and the red pepper into small dice. Crush the 2 garlic cloves
Put the olive oil in the pan on medium heat. Once hot add the onion and cook for 5 minutes. Add the red pepper, the chilli powder, the paprika and the ground cumin. Stir and leave it to cook for 5 minutes
Add the meat and let it cook 5 minutes mixing regularly
Crumble 1 the stock cube into 300ml hot water. Pour this into the pan with the mince mixture
Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix well
Bring it to boil, put a lid on the pan, turn down the heat until it is gently bubbling and leave it for 20 minutes. Stir it occasionally
Drain and rinse the can of red kidney beans and stir them into the mixture. Bring to the boil again, and gently bubble without the lid for another 10 minutes, adding a little more water if it looks too dry
Now replace the lid, turn off the heat and leave your mixture to stand for 10 minutes before serving. This is really important as it allows the flavours to mingle
Mix flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Add oil and water and mix up with a spoon when mixture comes together and begins to form a ball. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough until it’s nice and smooth (about 2 to 3 minutes)
Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface. Divide into 8 equal portions. Turn each piece to coat with flour. Form each piece into a ball and flatten with the palm of your hand. Cover flattened balls of dough with a clean kitchen towel and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes (or as much as 2 hours)
Heat a large pan over medium heat. Roll each dough piece into a rough circle, about 20 cm in diameter. Roll the tortillas pretty thin. You want them to look almost translucent if you held them up to the light. Thick tortillas won’t be tender
When the pan is hot, place one dough circle into the pan and allow it to cook about 1 minute or until the bottom surface has a few pale brown spots and the uncooked surface is bubbly. Flip to the other side and cook for 15-20 seconds.
Remove from the pan and stack in a covered container to keep the tortillas soft.
Crush the avocado with a fork
Mix all ingredients together
To serve
Put a tortilla in a plate.
Add a bit of the meat preparation, top with guacamole and the sides
Enjoy with Corona beer